Understanding Muscle Pain and Weakness in Thyroid Disease

Muscle disease, or myopathy, may occur because you have an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) or an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). Muscle problems related to these medical conditions are usually mild. Treatment of your thyroid disorder can help ease the symptoms.

However, in some rare cases, myopathy related to thyroid disease can be severe and debilitating. By better understanding the muscle symptoms of thyroid disease, you'll be able to manage your discomfort or weakness.

This article will talk about thyroid disease and how it can cause pain and weakness. It will discuss thyroid muscle disease symptoms and how a healthcare provider can diagnose and treat the disease.

Myopathy in Thyroid Disorders

Verywell / Laura Porter

Myopathy in Hypothyroidism
  • Weakness in muscles close to the center of the body (thighs, shoulders)

  • Elevated creatinine

  • Cramping

  • Rarely, enlarged muscles (Hoffman's syndrome)

  • Rarely, breakdown of muscle tissue (rhabdomyolysis)

Myopathy in Hyperthyroidism
  • Muscle weakness

  • Creatinine levels tend to be normal

  • Cramping (uncommon)

  • Rarely, issues with the muscles involved in swallowing and breathing (rare)

Hypothyroid Myopathy

Muscle weakness, aches, and cramping are common in people with hypothyroidism.


People with hypothyroid myopathy can experience weakness throughout the body, and it is typically most severe in the muscles of the thighs or shoulders. This can lead to problems climbing stairs or combing your hair.

High Creatinine Kinase Levels

In addition to muscle symptoms, you may have a high creatinine kinase level (measured with a blood test). Creatinine kinase is a muscle enzyme released into the blood when a muscle is injured. However, your creatinine kinase level is not necessarily linked to the severity of your muscle pain.

Rarely, hypothyroidism can cause severe muscle symptoms. One example is Hoffman's syndrome. This is when a person develops muscle hypertrophy (enlarged muscles). It can lead to significant muscle stiffness, weakness, and pain.

Hoffmann's syndrome can affect various body parts, including the arms, legs, and sometimes facial muscles, including the tongue.

Rhabdomyolysis, a condition where muscle breaks down rapidly, is a rare complication of hypothyroidism. It's often triggered by the combination of being hypothyroid and doing strenuous exercise. It may also occur when people take a statin, which is a cholesterol-lowering medication.


The exact cause of hypothyroidism-induced myopathy isn't known, but some experts believe that the thyroxine (T4) deficiency seen in hypothyroidism leads to muscle injury and impaired muscle function.


Hypothyroid myopathy is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical examination, and diagnostic tests. You may have a blood test to measure creatinine kinase.

Your healthcare provider may recommend other tests, such as electromyography. This test uses needles to measure the electrical signals in your muscles and nerve cells while they're active and at rest.

A muscle biopsy is a minor surgical procedure that removes a small muscle sample for microscopic examination. This procedure is safe. You may have a biopsy if your symptoms are severe and your diagnosis is not clear based on less invasive testing.


Treatment with the thyroid hormone replacement medication Synthroid (levothyroxine) can usually improve symptoms. It may take weeks for cramps and stiffness to improve. It usually takes several months for muscle weakness to improve.

Hyperthyroid Myopathy

Hyperthyroidism can also cause muscle weakness and sometimes cramping, but the symptoms tend to differ from myopathy related to hypothyroidism.


Muscle weakness in the shoulders, upper arms, hips, and thighs is the main symptom in people with hyperthyroidism. While muscle cramps and aches may occur, they are not as common as they are with myopathy which is related to hypothyroidism.

Muscle weakness from hyperthyroid myopathy causes difficulty climbing stairs, rising from a chair, holding or gripping objects, and reaching arms above the head.

People with hyperthyroid myopathy may experience weakness in the throat, face, and respiratory muscles. Rarely, the weakness can involve the muscles that help you swallow and breathe.


The causes of myopathy with hyperthyroidism are not well understood. It's been suggested that high thyroid hormone levels may lead to increased breakdown of muscle protein, as well as greater muscle energy use.


As with myopathy in hypothyroidism, your healthcare provider will ask you about your muscle symptoms and perform a physical examination.

They may also order blood tests, such as a thyroid function panel. The blood creatinine kinase level is generally normal with hyperthyroid myopathy. Your healthcare provider may recommend electromyography.

Thyroid Disease Doctor Discussion Guide

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Treatment of your hyperthyroidism will generally cure hyperthyroid myopathy. However, it can take time to improve—possibly up to several months—even after the thyroid is functioning normally again.


When you have thyroid disease, you might experience muscle weakness and pain, especially if your thyroid hormone levels are not where they should be. Hypothyroid myopathy tends to cause muscle weakness in the larger muscles of the body, typically the shoulders and thighs. Hyperthyroid myopathy causes muscle weakness throughout the body that may rarely affect the muscles that control swallowing and breathing.

Both types of myopathy improve with treatment of the underlying thyroid disease, but it can take time for symptoms to get better.

8 Sources
Verywell Health uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Muscular Dystrophy Association. Hyperthyroid and hypothyroid myopathies - types of endocrine myopathies - diseases.

  2. Achappa B, Madi D. Hoffmann's syndrome- A rare form of hypothyroid myopathy. J Clin Diagn Res. 2017;11(5):OL01-OL02. doi:10.7860/JCDR/2017/21234.9913

  3. Arora A, Sharma D, Mudalagiri M, Porwal Y. Hoffmann syndrome: A rare and reversible case of hypothyroid myopathy. Thyroid Research and Practice. 2019;16(1):42. doi:https://doi.org/10.4103/trp.trp_33_18

  4. Salehi N, Agoston E, Munir I, Thompson GJ. Rhabdomyolysis in a patient with severe hypothyroidism. Am J Case Rep. 2017;18:912-918. doi:10.12659/AJCR.904691

  5. Rodolico C, Bonanno C, Pugliese A, Nicocia G, Benvenga S, Toscano A. Endocrine myopathies: clinical and histopathological features of the major forms. Acta Myol. 2020;39(3):130-135. doi:10.36185/2532-1900-017

  6. Muscular Dystrophy Association. Endocrine myopathies - hyperthyroid and hypothyroid myopathies.

  7. Li Q, Liu Y, Zhang Q, Tian H, Li J, Li S. Myopathy in hyperthyroidism as a consequence of rapid reduction of thyroid hormone: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2017;96(30):e7591. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000007591

  8. Muscular Dystrophy Association. Endocrine myopathies - Medical management.

Additional Reading
Mary Shomon

By Mary Shomon
Mary Shomon is a writer and hormonal health and thyroid advocate. She is the author of "The Thyroid Diet Revolution."